Torchlight 2 Console Command

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Torchlight 2 console commands items torchlight 2 console commands item list torchlight 2 cheats torchlight 2 armory torchlight 2 mods torchlight 2 wiki torchlight 2. Tweets by @tidbiru: 2014-2018. The site is developed by Aleksey Abramov. To enable the cheats console in Torchlight II, you'll need to update the settings.txt file, which you should find at the following location: C:/users/yourusername/My games/runic games/torchlight 2.

All Torchlight 2 console commands List

Torchlight 2 Console Command
SETTIME time = Sets the time of day to time
SETTIMESCALE scale = Sets the timescale for time of day
ROOM = returns the room the player currently is in.
GOD = toggles god mode.
SPEED = Toggles additional speed for the character.
DAMAGE SHAPES = toggles damage shapes on and off.
AIFREEZE = toggles monsters AI to turn on and off.
PLAYERNOTARGET = makes monsters not target the player.
LEVELUP = increase XP to next level.
PATHING = toggles pathing debug display.
SOUNDDEBUG = toggles sound debug.
ASCEND = Goes down a floor.
CLEARHISTORY = Clears level history.
ALWAYSCRIT = Player always hits critically
DEBUGLOGIC = Toggles if the logic events are fired to the ogre log
MONEY count = Gives you gold.
STRENGTH count = Gives you melee points
MAGIC count = Gives you magic points
ALLSTATS count = Gives you the count to all stats
ANIMATIONSPEED fps = changes the animation of everything to match the FPS
HURTME pct = reduces the player and the player's pet HP by the given percent
RESETSKILLS = resets the player's skills
RESETPETLEVEL = resets pet's level to 1
RESETPLAYER = resets player's stats, skills, and level
SETPETLEVEL level = Sets the pet's level
CAMERADISTANCE mult = the mult the camera will be from the player
SKILL name/index = type just skill to see a list of skills. Type the number or the name of the skill to make active on the player.
SKILLTEST = different in the command skill, this will allow you to execute any skill even if it wasn't intended for your character.
ITEM index,count = the params are option. Type items to see indexes of all monsters in the game.
ALLITEMS = spawns all items.
ALLITEMS unittype = spawns all items of a given unittype (use '_' for spaces)
IDENTIFYALL identify all items in the player's inventory.
ANY index,count = the params are option. Type any to see indexes of all units in the game.
EDITOROBJECT objectName,count = Creates an object from the editor for testing memory use.
UNIT unitName,count = creates a unit by name and count.
SPAWNCLASS spawnclassName,count,level = just type spawnclass to see all the spawn classes listed. Pass in Zero or a negative number for level will use the dungeon depth as the level.
MONSTER index,count = the params are option. Type monster to see indices of all monsters in the game.
Torchlight 2 Console Command
MONSTER monsterName,count = creates count of monsterName
MONSTERMEM monsterName,count = the params are option. Creates and deletes a monster for memory testing.
MODEL modelpath,count = the params are optional. Creates and deletes a model for memory testing.
CLEANUP = releases unused resources
CHARGEBARMULT = makes the charge by X percent easier to fill

Torchlight 2 Console Commands Items

RESTARTLEVEL = restarts the current level
QUESTACTIVE questName = sets a quest to active
QUESTSHOWACTIVE = Shows all the players active quests

Torchlight 2 Console Commands Mod

QUESTCOMPLETE questName = sets a quest to complete
QUESTRESET questName = resets a quest to not be active or complete
SHOWBLOOD = toggles blood particles
SETDIFFICULTY index = sets the current difficulty
ACHIEVEMENTS = Lists the achievements and if they are complete
MEMORY = Dumps the memory allocation to the console.
TAGS = Dumps all tags used in the level and what got created.
ITEMBYMESH = Pass in part of a mesh name to spawn all items with that contain the string you passed.
MODIFYSIGHT = changes the sight distance of monsters activation. Pass 0 to reset.
MODIFYMOTION = changes the motion distance of monsters activation. Pass 0 to reset.
CHARACTER COUNT = returns the number of characters updating in the level

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PLAYERANIMATION = Dumps to the console which animation the player is playing and stopping.
DOLLYMIN mindis = The min dolly distance for interaction.
LOGCONSOLE = Show the logging console.
ADDFRIENDBYUSER = Add a friend by username or email.

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Torchlight 2 console commands item codes

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